Total Time: 62:00
1. Swept from the Sea (3:07)
2. To America (3:00)
3. The Storm Came (2:05)
4. Sea of Death (4:12)
5. Search for Yanko and Night Meeting (5:40)
6. Yanko Asks Amy Out (2:07)
7. The Sea, The Memorial, The Cave (6:24)
8. Try to Kill Yanko and Kennedy Speaks of Thinks (2:50)
9. Yanko’s Dance (1:55)
10. Love in the Pool (2:28)
11. He’s Your Half Brother (3:32)
12. Jump on Board to the Cottage (1:58)
13. The Wedding (3:50)
14. Yanko and Son Dance (1:32)
15. Yanko’s Delirium (2:50)
16. Yanko About to Die (I Would Change Nothing/Did Your Own Love Blind You to Hers) (4:20)
17. You Came from the Sea (4:50)
18. To Love and Be Loved – performed by Corina Brouder (4:21)
英国室内乐团(The English Chamber Orchestra)演奏,最后一首为人声演唱。
