The Conjuring 厲陰宅 電影原聲帶
馬來西亞華裔導演溫子仁的恐怖片,極少數我會重看的恐怖電影之一,依據真實靈異事件改編,沒有血腥氾濫,簡單地帶給觀眾最深沉恐懼,優秀的劇情鋪陳與創新的手法、絕佳的音效和氣氛掌握。配樂由擅長恐怖片的Joseph Bishara擔任,Mark Isham則貢獻一首Family Theme。

1. the Conjuring
2. dead birds
3. clap game
4. Witch perch
5. Maurice
6. touring Haunted planes
7. taped Occurrences
8. Black bile
9. she saw Something
10. look what She made me do
11. Sleepwalker
12. wall searching
13. Hanging drop
14. water corpse Vision
15. You look very pretty
16. Souls pulled in
17. Witch comes through
18. birds pulled in
19. murderous offering
20. the Soaring entities
21. Ritual casting
22. cellar tone
23. Annabelle
24. doll box
25. Family Theme – Mark Isham
