改編自真實社會事件,震驚全球的海灣大爆炸,引發史上最大海洋浩劫。由《超級戰艦》《紅翼行動》導演彼得柏格執導,與《變形金剛》製作團隊打造磅礡震撼的視覺效果,著墨救災救命的平民英雄與人性的掙扎。配樂由《變形金剛》系列的Steve Jablonsky擔任。
01. Taming the Dinosaurs [04:12]
02. The Rig [04:49]
03. The Monster [03:01]
04. Hope Is Not a Tactic [03:54]
05. Negative Pressure Test [04:57]
06. Well from Hell [04:35]
07. Cut the Pipe [05:34]
08. Mud [05:19]
09. Stop the Crane [02:03]
10. Fire On the Rig [03:16]
11. Burn or Jump [05:09]
12. Roll Call [07:44]
13. Home [03:12]
14. Gary Clark Jr. – Take Me Down [04:48]